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Author: Jon Klassen
Genre: Fiction- comedy and humor
Grade level(s) appropriateness: PreK-3
A brief synopsis/review: A small fish steals a hat from a larger fish and thinks he can get away with it. The hat fits the smaller fish perfectly. He tries to swim away from the larger fish by hiding behind big and tall plants, but the larger fish eventually finds him and takes the hat back.
Theme(s): Fish and marine life and honesty
Noteworthy features or issues with text: The larger fish is illustrated on two pages to show how much larger he is compared to the smaller fish. The illustrations accurately depict the text on each page.
Teaching ideas: Students could describe a time when they were dishonest/honest and explain how they felt. Students could also compare and contrast the small and large fish from the book.
Curriculum tie-ins and/or related activities: For science, students could explore the marine life- research a type of fish and share information about what they learned. As the reader, we see that the habitat of a fish- underwater with plants and other marine animals. Students could learn what a habitat is and draw a picture of their habitat.
Read aloud suitability: Yes, this book can easily be read aloud to your class. Connections to other texts/content areas: This Is Not My Hat reflects the same storyline found in I Want My Hat Back (2011 Picture Book) by Jon Klassen
Other additional comments: The book is a 2013 winner of the Caldecott Medal.
Check out the interview with Jon Klassen as he discusses This is Not My Hat: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/oct/07/news/la-jc-kids-book-author-jon-klassen-talks-about-this-is-not-my-hat-20121005
This is such a cute story and I love how some of the pages are only illustrations. No words necessary!